Women are lonelier after marriage

When we are in love everything is pink. And the time comes to build a family.

What is family? It is not necessary to count all the possible problems and hardship related to it. But why women feel lonelier after marriage even more than if they didn’t have a man?

In the family there is a new competition which is worse than the hottest neighbor. It is Work. Yes, if the man works in a factory in his free time he will not think of work. But things are not like that with man that deal with art activity or business.

In the morning he has breakfast quickly but not always, works at night, constantly talks about the colleague of the other department, reports and percentages. He doesn’t notice the new dress or the hair of his wife. But why are we talking about the dress when he doesn’t even have the power to have sex. And for this obligation the words passionate sex are inappropriate for a long time.

Insoluble problem! If the husband works a lot the home will soon lack sexual satisfaction. But if he pays attention to her wife she will soon go away because the money will not be enough. A medium position should be found.

What should the wife of such workaholic do in order to deal with the situation? First of all to be aware of her feelings! What doesn’t she like? Sex is not much, there is no romance, flowers and presents, there is a need of help in the household and when raising the children?

If the problem has a sexual character then deal with it right away. Don’t tell him you are unsatisfied, he will gain complexes. It could lead to impotency due to psychological problems. You should follow your purpose in two directions – developing the sexuality, improving the man’s health. The simple women’s tricks, hints and erotic underwear in this case could be inappropriate. Try to enhance your sensitivity. Change the menu of your husband. Add pine nuts, honey, ginseng. Use red onion.

Try to use the time you spent together rationally. Do whatever makes you close. Talk about your emotions, wishes, acts. It is not necessary to discuss people and events that are not personally related to you. Praise your man for his little acts that make you happy! He tries even if you don’t notice it. Let these minutes make you closer. Many couples cannot reach this for years.

Is there a topic your husband can talk for hours? He can clear the new world order and the difference between the micro schemes of the children and you deal with the household.

In the family everything depends on his salary. Does he ensure a peaceful existence of his family or you pay the bills, clean, wash, cook for everybody? If your income is not high and you don’t see perspectives you need a serious talk.