Marriage is healthy

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Specialists from New Zealand have established that marriage affects a person in a healthy way. It decreases the risk of depression and anxiety.
The research showed that psychological problems of which we are protected when married can occur after termination.
The authors of the following research by the Otago University of New Zealand have analyzed data from a major research on the physical health, covering 34 493 people of 15 countries.
The analysis showed that the termination of marriage when the brake up comes or death occurs is related to increased risk of psychological problems as men are more likely to become depressed and women overuse alcohol and medicaments.
Specialists have tested what happens with the psychological health during marriage in comparison with the single life and the termination of the matrimony.
Researches have established that marriage in comparison with single life is useful for the mental health of both genders, not only women as considered until now. The results of the research indicate that during the first marriage men suffer less than women from depression and anxiety which is due to the traditional distribution of roles in the family. When married women are better education they are more unlikely to suffer from depression.
The research showed that married life decreases the risk of overusing alcohol and drugs mostly among women, most of which limit the consumption of these substances during pregnancy and while children are little.

With the termination of marriage people from both genders become much more vulnerable to various psychological problems of which married ones are protected.