The skin reaction to coloring and its effect on the skin

Paints affect the skin pretty much. The skin reaction is different depending on the quality of the paints and the tattooist’s experience. The high quality paints are very expensive, that is why tattooing with such paints is pretty expensive too. But believe me, it is worth it. The pH pigment must be always within the physiologic norm. Bear in mind that the pigments for tattooing usually have alkaline or acid index of pH.
Connecting such a pigment to the mucous membrane is dangerous. How could you check that?  You need to make a turnsole test. The paint and its ingredients should not be dissolved in water. Otherwise, it will go to the wrong place and flow on the skin. The size of the particles of the paint should be the same and the paint should be homogeneous. If a drop of paint dries out and the paint particles stay together, it means that the paint is of high quality. The inhomogeneous paint will make the work of the tattooist very tough and it will hinter its deliver to the skin. The paint must be resistant to the ultraviolet sunlight. Of great importance is the distribution of the dyes. The qualitative dyes become lighter in time, but there are no significant changes in their color. If the paint is of low quality, it might change its color radically. For example, if you have temporary makeup – your eyebrows might turn green or red and your lips – blue.

The skin reaction by tattooing depends on the quality of the used tattoo equipment – the tattoo machine and the needles. A needle of low quality might cause some serious damage to the skin. Of course, the skin irritation is inevitable after tattooing. There is nothing to worry about if everything goes normally. The irritation will disappear in two weeks. The organism heals the skin infection itself. The healing procedure is really unpleasant, but we could always help the skin heal more quickly by putting some special ointments on it like “bepanten”.