To say “I love you” to your spouse

Image:© goodluz / Fotolia
We can easily express our feelings without saying anything, just act.
Be supportive 
Your day is hard too – children, household, work, but for peace and understanding to be around your family – listen to your spouse.
Ask them how their day went, but not robotically, really listen. Give them advice about something. Discuss the problem, find a solution together.
Listen to them
Even if they talk for a great coffee maker in the office, if men are determined to tell you this it means they love you – do not break their enthusiasm. Sports, politics, work etc. are the usual things which interest men, so you as his other half should listen so he knows you love him. These talks make them be glad there is a person to express their emotions to.
Give them space
Men appreciate and love women who are not obsessive. They are pleased when they are home 2 hours later from work and you don’t meet them with “Where were you?”, “You were in the bar again?”, “Shame on you” and so on. Share with them for example how Ivan from the office talked about how much he hated the boss over beer. Then have dinner together.
Give him what he needs 
Of course we leave aside the chores in the house. He feels happy when he plays football with friends on Sunday. OK.
He loves to have a shower and sit on the couch drinking beer. OK.
He loves the morning sex. OK.
He loves to lay around on Sunday. OK.
Praise him
How well he fixed the fence.
How he fixed the sink.
How successful was the deal at the office.
How he helped for the children.
Encourage his maturity
To drive carefully.
To be careful with his “friends”.
Not to overdrink with cocktails.
But be careful not to sound as his mother, then the effect is the opposite.
Encourage his dreams

If he wants to go to the Appalachians. Alright. Tell him it is doable – he exists – they do too, so you see nothing wrong.
Everyone dreams. This gives us courage and stimulus to live.